Brown: Savage Will Not Wind Us Up

Last updated : 24 January 2005 By Mark Heys
Phil Brown has urged Bolton Wanderers to keep a close eye on Welsh midfielder Robbie Savage when the Trotters take on Blackburn Rovers at Ewood Park this evening.

The Rovers new boy has a history of winding up opposition players and supporters alike, but Wanderers assistant manager Brown hopes that his side can rise above any goading and avoid a repeat of what happened in the 2001-2002 season when then Leicester City player Savage played a huge part in the sendings off of Trotters duo Paul Warhurst and Dean Holdsworth.

Brown feels that Bolton are now better equipt to deal with the physical nature of Savage.

The way we deal with Robbie will be crucial. He likes to be physical and that can incite people. When we played Leicester and had two players sent off, it was in our early days in the Premiership and we weren't prepared for Robbie Savage. We have a much more experienced team now and can rise above that."